What every retailer needs to know when going international

What every retailer needs to know when going international


Four key steps when looking to expand overseas – Richard Loh, CEO and Founder of Eurostop Ltd. offers his thoughts and tips on expansion overseas

As a successful retailer operating your business in the UK you may well now be considering expanding overseas. We have worked with many retailers over the years who have done just this and I can now say with pleasure, have growing international store networks.

You have probably already done your market research, developed your business plan and identified locations for your new stores. However, working with our clients on exactly these opportunities we have encountered a few things that are worth thinking about before embarking on your new journey abroad.

Download the whitepaper to find out Richard’s tips for international expansion.

The whitepaper covers

1. Understanding the culture

2. Getting up to date on local legislation and taxation

3. Working out the IT

4. Going that extra mile

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