5 Benefits of Mobile Technology in Retail

5 Benefits of Mobile Technology in Retail


With current challenges on the high street, when it comes to your retail business, it’s becoming increasingly important to streamline processes and optimise the in store experience for your customers. Implementing mobile point of sale (MPOS) technology is a great, affordable way to bring an efficient and personalised service to your shop floor.

If you’re still undecided, however, Eurostop has collected some of the most attractive benefits here of investing in MPOS technology.

  1. It Turns Cashiers Into Sales Team Members

One of the biggest advantages of mobile point of sale solutions is that they will turn your store staff into sales generators as well. Your teams will now be able to also assist your customers anywhere in store, as well as provide personalised customer service, offer rewards, upsell and cross sell and check inventory in real-time and on demand, assisting every potential sale.

  1. Streamline the Return & Exchange Process

Having a long line of people waiting to return and exchange products can really affect your in store and brand experience, which is why there’s another way. Mobile POS devices help minimise backups at till point by providing the flexibility to scale up with additional service points when required, improving customer service and throughput.

  1. Enhanced Customer Service Solutions

When it comes to keeping your customers happy, MPOS systems certainly don’t disappoint. You’ll be able to answer questions on the floor about product availability, ring up sales ASAP, offer suggestions and insight on customers’ past purchases, and much more. You can give your retail brand an edge, reducing lines and keeping customers satisfied. This not only reduces any potential wait time, which is a must when customers don’t want to wait around and you need to service as many customers as quickly as possible, but the mobility of mpos means that it is also much easier to accommodate ‘social distancing’.  With the flexibility to move anywhere on the shop floor, you can ensure that you use every inch of retail space.

  1. Increased Marketing Insight

Mobile point of sale systems don’t simply help you process transactions and help customers, they also collect key data and insight that can be analysed for future sales and marketing campaigns. You can obtain important customer data, such as sales history, email addresses, and more, to create targeted marketing campaigns.

  1. Scalability

Lastly, but certainly not least, one key benefit of MPOS solutions is that mobile technology makes it simple to scale up or down, depending on how busy you are in store. Keep in mind that every mobile device is also a transaction processing station, meaning you have the right technology and the flexibility to cater to seasonal demands, such as sale, promotional or festive periods while still capitalising on every piece of square footage.

Contact us today for more MPOS solutions!

For those looking to streamline their everyday processes and boost their bottom line, contact Eurostop today. Our retail solutions run the gamut and we specialise in everything from stock control to customer services, so visit us online or call +44 (0) 208 991 2700.